Chalcedony Tumbled Stone


šŸ’šChalcedony - Stone ofĀ Harmony, Balance & Nurturing

Benefits of Tumbled Stones:Ā The smooth and polished surface of tumbled stones enhances their energy, making them ideal for harnessing the metaphysical properties of crystals.

šŸ’šTumbled stones offer a harmonious balance of stability and grounding, aiding in manifestation and organization.Ā  Their convenient shape and size make them versatile tools for crystal healing, meditation, and energy work. The rounded edges of tumbled stones promote a gentle and soothing energy that is easily accessible and comforting.

šŸ’šChalcedony is considered a powerful cleanser, absorbing negative energy and dissipating it to prevent onward transmission. It removes self-doubt and facilitates constructive inward reflection, creating an open and enthusiastic persona. Chalcedony is believed to be closely linked to the moon and is considered a calming stone.

šŸ’šIn crystal energy work Chalcedony is associated with the Root (Base) Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye (Brow) Chakra, Crown Chakra and is used to cleanse and align All Chakras.

SizeĀ *All sizes are approximate.Ā *Each one of a kind crystal will vary slightly.
TumbledĀ Stone Size
šŸ“Ā 1"-1.5"Ā Ā 
šŸ“Ā 3cmĀ 

WHY IT'S AWESOME?Ā Named for the Greek city Chalcedon, in ancient times chalices carved from Chalcedony and lined with silver were believed to prevent poisoning. Chalcedony has been used as early as the Bronze Age and was considered a treasured gem at that time. There have been Chalcedony seals, tools, and jewelry that date back to 1800 BC found in areas where Romans, Greeks, and Babylonians lived. Indigenous tribes also consider chalcedony to be sacred and itā€™s used in special ceremonies. At one point in time, people used Chalcedony to make goblets that were lined with silver. This was supposed to prevent poisoning.

WHAT IS CHALCEDONY?Ā Chalcedony is a compact, microcrystalline form of Quartz. Gemstones that are specifically named Chalcedony are mainly translucent and one color. The rest is sold as its type of chalcedony like red or pink Chalcedony or as Agate or Jasper. The highest quality Chalcedony would be translucent or pigmented in color. Named after the ancient port of Chalcedon where people would mine and trade gemstones. There are various types of Chalcedony including Agates, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Jasper, Chrysoprase, Flint, Onyx, and Sardonyx.

WHERE IS IT FOUND?Ā USA, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland, England, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Morocco. Chalcedony is compact silica that is found mainly in sedimentary and volcanic environments.

MYSTIC LORE, LEGEND & DISCLAIMER:Ā Through the ages, crystals and stones have been collected and prized for their timeless beauty, for their rich history and even their potential spiritual and metaphysical properties! We love the idea that crystals may have mystical properties, but please be aware... nothing we sell comes with any sort of mystical guarantee! šŸ˜‰

Dark Energy Protection Collection

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