Aventurine Tumbled Stone


šŸ’šAventurine - Ā Stone of Prosperity, Luck & EmotionalĀ Restoration

Tumbled Stones Benefits: The organic, rounded shape of natural tumbled stones promotes a gentle and harmonious energy flow. It allows for a comfortable grip during meditation or energy work and encourages a more natural connection with the stone's inherent properties.

šŸ’šAventurine is said to be a good luck gem. The Tibetans worked with aventurine to improve their creativity believing they would benefit in confidence, creativity and passion.

šŸ’šIn crystal energy work, Aventurine is considered to be a gentle stone.Ā Ā The chakra system is the energy network in the body that refers to nerve bundles and the organs in the human body. Aventurine is in alignment with the heart chakra, significantĀ for love and compassion. This gentle stone also aligns with the throat chakra, inspiration and compassion.

SizeĀ *All sizes are approximate.Ā *Each one of a kind crystal will vary slightly.
Tumbled Stone Sizes
šŸ“Ā 1"Ā Ā 
šŸ“Ā 3cmĀ 

WHY IT'S AWESOME?Ā You have likely heard of the Amazonians, the women in ancient Greek myths that were honored and known as independent and fierce warriors. Aventurine was called the stone of the Amazonians until the 1800's as the Amazonians would place this gem into their breastplates as adornments and to be used as a talisman.

WHAT IS AVENTURINE?Ā Aventurine is a captivating variety of Quartz adorned with shimmering specks of mica, lending it an enchanting sparkle. While commonly green, Aventurine also manifests in hues of blue, yellow, brown, white, gray, orange, and red. Its name originates from the Italian word 'Ventura,' meaning 'by chance,' as it was fortuitously discovered due to a jewelry maker's mistake. Legend has it that metal filings accidentally fell into a molten glass mixture. Once cooled, the resulting glass showcased magnificent iridescent sparkles, leading to its use in jewelry. Eventually, this stone received the name Aventurine, reminiscent of the "accidental" sparkling glass it so closely resembled.Ā 

WHERE IT'S FOUND?Ā Aventurine has been found in Brazil, China, India, Italy, Nepal, Russia, and Tibet.

MYSTIC LORE, LEGEND & DISCLAIMER:Ā Through the ages, crystals and stones have been collected and prized for their timeless beauty, for their rich history and even their spiritual and metaphysical properties! We believe in the mystical properties of crystals, but please be aware... nothing we sell comes with any sort of magical guarantee! šŸ˜‰

Dark Energy Protection Collection

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