Healing Crystals For Viruses

Healing Crystals For Viruses

The energy of crystals is thought to help heal you faster by boosting your healing powers and protecting your energy. Using crystals can also act a...

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Crystals For Self Doubt

Crystals For Self Doubt

Most everyone has encountered a time in life that brings about self-doubt and causes you to question your true potential. For some, it’s easy to br...

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Best Crystals For Confidence

Best Crystals For Confidence

When your Sacral Chakra is functioning optimally you can bring things into manifestation. It is an important part of your core energy system, and a...

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Crystals For Heart Health

Crystals For Heart Health

There are several powerful ways you can strengthen your heart. To start you can get moving, your heart is a muscle and, as with any muscle, exercis...

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